
My daughter cannot have gluten (wheat, oats, barley and rye). This has been a life-long issue, so we always are prepared.

This weekend, at a 4th of July party, we brought her food, just in case there wasn’t anything she could eat at the party. This is nothing new to us. She went to get a drink out of the cooler, and they had Shasta cans of soda pop. Usually we stick with Sprite, Sierra Mist or 7-Up. These are all gluten free. She NEVER tries any foods unless we know they are gluten free. I went to get her a juice box we had brought, when I remembered my phone was in my purse.

I Googled “Shasta Gluten Free." Quickly, my search brought me to Shasta’s website, where I was able to confirm that all Shasta soft drinks are gluten free! How cool is this? Now when we are out, I’ll have an instant gluten-free reference center at my service. Does this change my life? It sure makes going out to eat with my daughter quite a bit easier. I’m impressed!

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